Project Overview

Crash Map is an interactive tool to identify areas on a map that have a high risk for accidents based on historical data. To create Crash Map, I collaborated with 5 team members and leveraged the following tools:

  • D3, a JS library, to create the interactive map framework and GUI
  • Leaflet, a JS library, to handle the routing and navigation on the map
  • XGBoost, a Python implementation for gradient boosted decision trees, to label severity of locations based on historical crash data (location, time, and weather)
  • Flask, a Python web framework module, that facilitated data for visualization to D3 and Leaflet
The predictive model for Crash Map was trained on a subset of a larger dataset collected from 2016-2020. The subset consisted of ~200k accident records from the state of New York, in rural and urban environments with a variety of weather conditions.

How to Use Crash Map

  • Go to Crash Map
  • NOTE: Crash Map is hosted on
  • Select values for each of the fields
  • Click Submit
  • The map should be populated with points predicting accident severity based on historical data. (The fields may need to be filled/submitted twice. TODO: Fix this bug)
  • A route can then be selected on the map to view the potential impact of weather on the trip. (TODO: add functionality to reroute to avoid high risk areas)

Detailed Writeup and Future Work

  • Update hosting and interface of Crash Map to be more stable, responsive and user-friendly
  • Add information for other locations rather than being restricted only to NY
  • Add crash likelihood predictions in addition to crash severity
  • Collect new information to add to the existing dataset
  • Bug fixes


(325) 370-5285


Chicago, IL