Project Overview

This project involved performing multiple experiments to determine the best algorithm to classify the ambulation mode of the prosthetic leg while walked on over various terrains. To run these experiments I created Python modules and methods which handled:

  • Data Wrangling
  • Model Training and Evaluation
  • Hyperparameter Tuning/Grid Search
  • Visualization
The following is a brief overview of a two-part project in which I analyzed a single dataset, experimenting with each of the following:

Supervised Methods

  • Decision trees with pruning
  • Neural networks
  • Boosting (AdaBoost)
  • Support Vector Machines
  • k-nearest neighbors

Unsupervised Methods

  • Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
  • Randomized Projections
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis
  • k-means
  • Expectation Maximization

Dataset Description

The dataset was collected at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab using a powered prosthetic leg on 2 different able-bodied users. During ambulation, data were acquired simultaneously from 22 channels from mechanical sensors embedded on the prosthesis.

The data were collected having the user complete various ambulation tasks such as normal walking and going up and down stairs and ramps resulting in a total of 2386 examples (132 features for each example). The labels for this data consist of 8 classes: Level Walking (LW), Toe Off (TO), Ramp Descent (RD), Stair Descent (SD), Standing Toe Off (STTO), Standing Heel Contact (STHC), Mid-Swing (MSW), and Mid-Stance (MST).

Detailed Analysis

The experimentation with the supervised and unsupervised algorithms gave me a better intuition on how I could leverage different tools when using unique datasets. To read the in-depth analyses done with this data, follow the links below. The foundation I built from these projects translated well to my work developing an intent recognition system for the powered prosthetic legs in the Center for Bionic Medicine.


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